The diploma is ready! You're happy. The teacher is happy! Parents and friends are happy. But the last stage remained - the review. Let's figure out what it is and where to get it?

What is a review This is a document that characterizes the graduation project. It indicates all the advantages and disadvantages of the work. A student cannot be admitted to defense without a review. Of course, for everything to go well, it is advisable to have a review with positive comments, as it influences the opinion of the commission and creates a favorable effect.

Writing a review does not take very long, but it requires special knowledge and skills. If you are sure that a good review will not come out, you can order it on the essaywriting , writing services will provide you review what you are needed to.

Who is a reviewer in a thesis and where to find him The reviewer is a specialist with a scientific degree. It doesn't have to be a teacher from your department. Most often, this is a person who is a colleague or assistant to your academic advisor. The reviewer can be the head of an institution or enterprise related to your specialty. He will be assigned to you at the university.

Reviewers are conventionally divided into two types: internal (university employee) and external or free (a person who is not necessarily associated with the department and the teaching staff).

The most important and desirable condition for the appointment of a reviewer is the availability of a doctorate or candidate of science degree. The more authoritative, professional and large-scale the person is, the better.

How to write a review Writing a review yourself is a good chance for good luck. But you can try to search help at nursing essay writing service. After all, who, no matter how student, will best praise his own work.

The review has its own structure and should be followed to avoid problems in the future.

Items that should be in the document:

  1. title (topic of the diploma, faculty, student's full name, group number);
  2. relevance of the topic to the field of activity (for example, industry, engineering, IT, media, etc.). Also, the relevance is necessarily indicated in the introduction of the diploma itself;
  3. assessment of the quality of work (exhibited according to several criteria):

If you follow all these points, then you can get good reviews from the commission, since the review will make it clear what kind of work it is and what are its pros and cons.

Registration of a thesis review Often, a review is a characteristic of a thesis, which is presented on 1-2 printed pages.

It is necessary to set the size to 14 and the font Times New Roman when writing. Also set the line spacing to 1.5 and the first line indent to 1.25.

Write REVIEW at the top and align in the middle. At the beginning, it is worth writing on what kind of work this review is being written, in our case for the thesis, indicate the topic, university, faculty, specialty, name of the student whose work is being reviewed.

The review itself is divided into three parts: introduction, main part, conclusion.

In the introduction, you need to write in two or three sentences how research can help when working in an enterprise and what is the degree of relevance in the modern world and the future.

The bulk is written by evaluating the research itself.

In the conclusion, the final grade for the study is put. Whether it will bring benefits to the enterprise or not. It talks about the advantages and disadvantages of working.

Style features of a thesis review The review is written in a scientific style. It is necessary to frequently refer to the study for citations and terms to get the impression that this is a continuation of the work. No need to pour water. Everything should be described in the case, with specific examples and solutions to problems. Also, the review should be readable. It is necessary to avoid complex sentence structures, since the commission will skim this document and it should be understandable the first time.

There is no need to resort to subjectivation. Everything should be competently and accurately built, without personal reasoning and abstract thoughts.

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