What should you choose, a service animal or ESA? - 2022 Guide


Animals are mostly kept as esa letter online. But nowadays the unique characteristics and traits of the animals have allowed people to keep animals for the purpose of providing emotional support. It is true that a number of different medications as well as treatments are available to overcome or reduce the effects of various emotional or mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, stress, etc. But despite all these medications and treatments people nowadays prefer keeping emotional support animals. 



The reason behind this is that emotional support animals no doubt slowly and steadily but effectively help the individuals in overcoming or reducing the effects of emotional or mental health issues. Moreover, people find that the various medications and treatments that are used nowadays to treat emotional health issues provide temporary relief to the person suffering from it. While on the other hand emotional support animals slowly but permanently bring a change in their life and take them towards a quality life.


It is no doubt true that emotional support animals are kept for the purpose of providing emotional support to people who are suffering from some sort of mental or emotional health issue. But this does not mean that emotional support animals themselves do not require any care or support. It simply means that there are some responsibilities of the people towards emotional support animals who keep them. I have seen people who have kept emotional support animals to focus mainly on the things and requirements that are beneficial for them, meaning that they only care about themselves and not about their animals. 


For instance, they make sure they have an ESA letter for housing so that no one raises objections against them in society because if this happens it will create obstacles in the way of emotional support they require from those animals. People who have kept emotional support animals need to understand that it is not just the responsibility of the emotional support animal to provide you support, rather you are responsible for providing them with the necessary care so that they can remain healthy and active.


Below are some of the critical responsibilities of an emotional support animal’s owner:


The consistency and organization of the emotional support animal’s owner are very important for the care of the animal. Emotional support animals are timely required to be fed, walked, or bathed. These timely activities are very necessary for the health of the emotional support animal. For example, if the emotional support animal is not taken for a walk on a daily basis it might lead to the inactive behavior or attitude of the animal. This in turn will be reflected in the emotional support that the animal is providing to the owner. Furthermore, if the emotional support animal is not fed or hydrated timely the animal might get ill or weak. Maintaining the health of the emotional support animal is a critical responsibility of the emotional support animal’s owner as it is about the life of the animal.


Having the official documents of the emotional support animal such as the identification letter that provides the identity of the emotional support animal, or the emotional support animal letter, etc., is very necessary. If the owner does not have these official documents then it is his prime responsibility to apply for these documents so that his animal can stay with him safely and no one raises objections against it.


Taking care of the emotional support animals especially in extreme weather such as in extreme winter or summer is also one of the critical responsibilities of the emotional support animals owner. This is because the health of the emotional support animal should be the priority of the owner. Most of the owners are not able to handle their emotional support animal in such extreme weather and because of their carelessness or inability the animal has to suffer from different illnesses. Therefore, it is the critical responsibility of the owner to at first make himself capable enough to keep an animal.


Emotional support animals require some training such as obedience training etc. The provision of this training is the responsibility of the emotional support animal’s owner. The owner can either himself provide his animal the training or can use an external source to train their emotional support animal. This in turn will benefit the owner, as well as his emotional support animal, as after training he will behave well outside or in front of other people.


The provision of quality food is very essential for the health of emotional support animals. There are some owners who do not keep into consideration the quality of food they provide to their emotional support animals which results in negative effects. ESA’s owners should make sure that whatever they are providing to their animals to eat should be safe for the health of the animal.


Mentioned above are some of the critical responsibilities of the emotional support dog letter. The owners of emotional support animals should make sure that they fulfill all these critical responsibilities on a priority basis and do not prefer anything else above these key responsibilities.


It is essential because most of the critical responsibilities mentioned above are related directly to the health of the emotional support animals. Some owners like to take their dogs everywhere they go. If you are one of them make sure you keep the ESA letter with yourself every time so that no one can harm your emotional support animal or raise objections against it. 

Useful Resources:


Which ESA's Are Easy To Keep At Home? - 2022 Guide


Tips to Choose Highly Beneficial Dog Food - 2022 Guide


Adopt Two ESAs For Backyard - 2022 Guide


Unique Consideration About The Landlords - 2022 Guide


Quality ESA Cat Breeds Best For Small Apartments - 2022 Guide

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