The shark navigator lift-away nv360 is one of the most popular machines of Shark manufacturer. Do you want to discover the reason for this popularity? Roll down to find out both its benefits and drawbacks:
Shark navigator lift away deluxe - The NV360 reviews

The Shark NV360 advantages
The shark navigator lift-away deluxe nv360 upright vacuum brings a pretty solid feeling at a low price. It’s hard for you to feel similar when buying other vacuum cleaners at this price range.
Can you see a switch designed on the dust canister? Let you press this switch to turn the brushroll on and off. This accessory is handy for cleaning your carpets. If you need to clean your floor, simply turn off the brushroll to stop scatter.
Why do you have to turn off this function?
The brushroll spinning can scratch the flooring.

What's the best part?
Its Shark's lift-away feature allows you to turn the dust-canister out. Thus, you can carry the dust-canister or motor assembly in one hand and use another hand for holding the tools, wand, or hose. It helps you clean the hard-to-reach areas such as vehicle interior or a set of stairs. Many Shark upright vacuums have this feature, but not all of them.
This model has three easy-to-access filters: a post-motor and 2 pre-motor. You can reuse and rinse all of them in water. Furthermore, the post-motor filter is a HEPA filter.
A Shark NV360 review

The Shark NV360 works pretty quietly without producing much noise. After testing this machine and other uprights, its peak decibel output is in the average level of noise.
A suction release slider can bleed off vacuum suction when you can't move the vacuum on a particular surface due to a large amount of suction under the cleaner head. This function is beneficial when you are holding the handle or wand end and vacuuming your lamp shape or curtains. This slider allows you to decrease the suction to release your things safely without causing any damage.
How does this shark navigator lift away deluxe nv360 work on a low pile carpet?
It can clean all small and medium-sized debris: lentils, split green peas, chili flakes, and flax seeds.

The Shark NV360 disadvantages
Obviously, you can't expect a perfect product without any drawbacks. Below are some:
This vacuum cleaner can't stay in the balanced and upright position well. If you accidentally pull it or bump into the model, it might fall immediately.
Although its short hose doesn't influence the lift-away feature, it's not easy to stretch out.
Though this machine picks up hair very well, it's tough to eliminate the tangled hair in the brushroll.
The front of the cleaner head is so low that it's hard to pick up big debris.

This Shark Navigator Lift Away Deluxe Nv360 upright vacuum has many outstanding features to help you clean different areas. However, when investing in this model, you also have to face some small disadvantages. If you can accept them, you have a great purchase.


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➨ How can Shark NV360 be the best upright vacuum cleaner
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