WeChat is an all-encompassing giant app owned by the Chinese company Tencent and fully controlled by the government.  This feature-rich platform has over 1 billion active users and over 100 million overseas users, and the number is constantly growing.  WeChat is used in all walks of life - from dating and booking tickets to delivering food, shopping for things and paying with cards.

WeChat is boosted by the Chinese government, which has banned all overseas social networks, including WhatsApp and Facebook, which require free vpn download in China.  Most foreign portals and major websites are also blocked in the country.  In line with the government's demands, WeChat was forced to strengthen its censorship to comply with the requirements of the China Cyberspace Administration.  Posts containing "objectionable" topics or just words criticizing the Chinese authorities are either blocked immediately or deleted after a few seconds.

It is clear that WeChat is becoming a powerful weapon for social control.  The information transmitted through its platform is enormous: the daily number of messages averaged over 38 billion.  Without the WeChat app, people would not be able to talk to their friends or family.  Thus, the censors who are able to block any account have real power over them.

WeChat constantly monitors the internet police bureau, assigned by the Ministry of Public Security, monitoring the platform 24/7.  All personal information of users is tracked, collected, stored, analyzed, censored and freely available to the authorities, who are imprisoning more and more citizens for expressing their opinions and “defaming” the Chinese government in private conversations

This platform, in fact, serves as an excellent tool for suppressing free speech and enforcing the communist regime.  Having WeChat on your phone means that a lot of metadata is collected about you - all your online activities and almost everything about you is tracked and easily accessible;  it is like wearing an electronic bracelet on your ankle.  Data from foreign users is also processed and sent to Tencent's servers in China, which the Chinese authorities do not even hide.

WeChat censorship constitutes a gross violation of the human right to freedom of thought and expression.  But this is not enough for the authorities, China is now integrating the app with Huawei's 5G global network and all smartphones, as well as other Chinese technological innovations, to become a real threat to the world.