typography is part of the document design.there are many many ways to enhance the way text rendered in the web.appearently all of these ways are important and each plays it's role to have enhanced text.these ways could be listed as:


font properties (font,font-family,font-size,font-style,font-kerning,font-stretch,font-weight,font-size-adjust,line-height)should be used wisely-this includes @font-face at-rule and it's descriptors.what we have left from font properties is font-variant and it;s subproperties and font-feature-settings properties.

now these two properties are about font-features.font-features are specific features that are contained inside the used type-face.they are used seperately from font properties listed above.now these properties are used to enable and use font-features.that is:

what is openttype fonts?

adobe describing opentype fonts

how css is used with opentype fonts?

ref-1 ref-2 ref-3 usage note:

generaly there are only two css properties that deal with opentype fonts-font-variant & font-feature-settings.as ageneral rule font-variant is used to enable font feature-if failed to do so font-feature-settings is used instead.

current browser support for everything font


practices that will enhance typography:
