Project Sentinel
What is Project Sentinel?
Project Sentinel is the idea of giving the less fortunate access to the field of coding through sponsors, donations and volunteers. Young Americans who don't have a wealthy socio-econimic family are still entitled to be given a taste a everything. Most to all people of that socio-economic status are not introduced to the realm of coding. We beilieve that is asinine, and we are here to help.

How will we go through with this process?
Our project is a four phase plan. These four phases are aslo known as "The Four P's", are Preach, Plan, Prepare, Provide. Please take a look below and click "Read More" to see the in-depth explanation of "The Four P's Plan" and more!

If you are interested and would like to read more, donate, join, or contact us please click on the corresponsing buttons below, Thank You!