the first and last color-stops should have position value,otherwise it is still a simple linear gradient

browsers normally spread color-stops over the gradient line evenly if we do not specify position values,that is first color-stop is at 0% 2nd...last color-stop is at 100%.even if we specify color-stop position values for each color-stop still the browser will spread the last color-stop to be pure at 100% and the first color-stop to be covering the gradient line from 0% incase we set it at 10% for example.all that said is when using normal linear-gradient() function.hence i see the gradient covering the entire gradient box-the background,because of that spreading at the begining and end,only one gradient covering every thing,nothing is getting repeated!.

a repeating-linear-gradient() function would be useless and remain as a normal linear-gradient() function if the first and last color-stops do not have position values because the spreading over the gradient line will still present and what is said above is repeated and applied again (there will be only one gradient spreading from 0% to 100% covering the entire gradient box).

a repeating linear gradient can be seen alive only if the first color-stop or the last color-stop or both have a position value.otherwise repeating-linear-gradient() will be similar to linear-gradient().in other words the spreading over the gradient line can be stopped when repeating-linear-gradient() function is used along with specifying position values for either the first color-stop or the last color-stop or both and hence producing repeated gradients.