Non-Native Writers and Dangerous Risks for Students presents itself academic writing service that promises students quality, original papers by professional writers. However, my personal experience with this service proved the complete opposite. Rather than receiving the quality work I was promised, I encountered a host of problems that jeopardized my academic success. From poorly written essays to missed deadlines, turned out to be an unreliable and risky choice. The most alarming aspect of this service is its reliance on non-native writers, whose lack of proficiency in English leads to essays filled with basic grammar mistakes and awkward phrasing.

As a student, trusting a service like can be dangerous. When you depend on such a platform for important academic work, you risk damaging your grades and academic standing. The service’s unqualified writers and questionable practices make it an untrustworthy option for students seeking professional help. My experience highlighted the serious risks of using this service, and I want to warn others about the dangers they may face.

Create a visually striking image that prominently features the brand name "" in a bold, eye-catching font. Surround the brand name with negative words and phrases like "Poorly Written Essays," "AI-Generated Content," "Scam," and "Errors." Use

Low-Quality Writing from Non-Native Writers

One of the most significant issues I faced with was the appalling quality of writing. It was evident that the essay was written by non-native writers who lacked a solid grasp of English. The paper was filled with grammatical errors, awkward sentence structures, and a general lack of academic depth. Phrases that should have been clear and concise were jumbled and confusing, making it clear that the writers were not qualified to handle academic work in English. This low-quality writing was not just frustrating—it had a direct impact on my grades, as professors could easily spot the mistakes.

The poor writing quality wasn’t just about grammar mistakes. The essays lacked original thought and analysis, often relying on basic and repetitive ideas. For a service that claims to provide high-quality academic writing, the result was shockingly subpar. As a student, this kind of writing can harm your academic performance, leading to lower grades and disappointment. In my case, I had to spend hours fixing the essay myself, which defeated the purpose of paying for the service in the first place.

Plagiarism and Lack of Originality

One of the most shocking aspects of my experience with was receiving a plagiarized essay. After submitting the paper, I ran it through a plagiarism checker, only to find out that a significant portion of it had been copied directly from online sources. I was appalled that a service claiming to offer original, high-quality work would send me something so blatantly plagiarized. This is not just a breach of trust; it poses serious academic risks. Submitting plagiarized work can lead to academic dishonesty charges, expulsion, and irreparable damage to a student’s reputation.

The problem of plagiarism is likely a result of’s reliance on non-native writers who may not fully understand the importance of originality in academic writing. These writers often resort to copying content because they are unqualified to produce original thought or research. As a result, students who use this service are put at risk of plagiarism charges, which can have devastating consequences. In my case, I had to rewrite the entire essay to avoid turning in something that would have jeopardized my academic standing.

False Advertising and Misleading Promises markets itself as a reliable service offering professional and original content, but my experience proved that these promises were completely false. They claim to employ highly qualified writers who can handle complex academic work, but the reality is far from what they advertise. The writer I was assigned lacked the skills to produce the high-quality content I was promised. Instead of delivering well-researched and original work, the essay was poorly written and riddled with errors, showing no evidence of expertise.

These false promises are a form of customer exploitation, as students are lured in by misleading advertising. takes advantage of students’ trust and desperation, offering them false hope while delivering low-quality writing. This kind of deceit is dangerous for students, who depend on these services to help them succeed academically. Unfortunately,’s false advertising sets students up for failure rather than success.

Missed Deadlines and Poor Communication

Another major issue I encountered with was its complete disregard for deadlines. My essay was delivered several days late, which caused me a great deal of stress and anxiety. Missing deadlines can have serious academic consequences, such as grade deductions or even course failure. It’s unacceptable for a service that claims to help students miss deadlines and jeopardize their academic progress.

What made the situation worse was the poor communication between the writer and the customer service team. There was no clear line of communication, and when I tried to get updates on the status of my order, I was met with unhelpful responses. This lack of communication only added to my frustration, as I had no idea if or when my essay would be delivered. For a service that promises reliability,’s customer service is extremely poor and untrustworthy.

Unsafe Payment Methods and Hidden Fees

The payment process with is another area where the service fails its customers. Not only did I encounter hidden fees that were not disclosed upfront, but I also felt insecure about the payment methods they used. After paying for my order, I was charged additional fees that were never mentioned during the ordering process. This kind of hidden fee practice makes the service even more untrustworthy, as it feels like they are exploiting students financially.

Moreover, the insecurity of the payment process raised concerns about my financial safety. With no clear refund policy and hidden fees, I was left feeling cheated. It’s dangerous for students to trust a service that lacks transparency in its pricing and payment methods. This experience further solidified my belief that is not a service that prioritizes the best interests of its customers.

The Risks of Using for Academic Success

Using poses several dangerous risks to students’ academic success. From poorly written essays to plagiarized content, the service fails in every aspect of providing quality academic assistance. The missed deadlines, hidden fees, and unsafe payment methods only add to the list of reasons why students should avoid this service. These risks can lead to failing grades, academic dishonesty, and even expulsion in severe cases. It’s clear that is not only unreliable but also dangerous for students who value their academic integrity.

Reflecting on my experience, I deeply regret using It was not only a waste of money but also a risk to my academic future. The false promises, unqualified writers, and insecure payment methods make it clear that this is a service students should avoid at all costs. I urge other students to think twice before using for any academic help.

Why Students Should Avoid

In conclusion, is a service that students should avoid if they want to protect their academic success. The use of non-native writers leads to poorly written essays, while the risk of plagiarism can result in serious academic penalties. The service’s false advertising and untrustworthy practices make it clear that it cannot be relied upon to deliver quality work. For students who care about their academic integrity and want to avoid unnecessary risks, finding a more reliable and trustworthy writing service is essential. Don’t make the same mistake I did—avoid to ensure your academic success.


Is a reliable service for academic writing?

No, is highly unreliable. They use non-native writers, resulting in poorly written essays filled with grammar mistakes and awkward phrasing, which negatively affects academic performance.


Does deliver original content?

Unfortunately, no. often delivers plagiarized content, putting students at risk of plagiarism charges and academic dishonesty, which could lead to expulsion or failing grades.


Are there hidden fees when using

Yes, has hidden fees that are not disclosed upfront, making it an untrustworthy service. Students may encounter unexpected costs after placing an order.


Is it safe to make payments on

No, the payment process on feels insecure. With no refund policy and unreliable payment methods, students are at risk of customer exploitation and financial insecurity.