think about this psd-class as it's near future name (matches) will will only match one or more elements inside the closing brackets :any(here..).it looks as follow:
:any(the class will match one or moew elements.the first class above will be equal to element and the second will be qual to whatever matching number of elements.element
) or :any(element, element, element,...)
Now :any()
class will be combined:
:any(element, element) combinator psd-class,element,combination
example: :any(div,nav) + h1
div+h1 or nav+h1
any number of combinations is possibile like:
div:any(p,span) h1 the relation :inside div either p or span or both have h1 as a descendent.
:any(nav,article,section,div) :any(nav,artile,menu,a) the relation: whatever matching from second class is a descendent for the matching from first class.
:any(nav,article,section,div) > :any(nav,artile,menu,a) the relation: whatever matching from second class is a direct child for the matching from first class.
will select any argument but the one inside ()-select everything but not the one inside the ().this psd-class will select only one element X inside (X).so for instance:
and any descending element inside the div
will not be targets only one element.
n above starts at 0 the result will be 6.then n will be 1 and the result will be 7.that means this selector will select children starting the 7th forward (eg.6,7,8,9,10,...).
code like this one:li:nth-child(4){}
element li
that is the 4th child of it's parent.
the red part will select elements starting index 5 forward.the blue part will select elements starting index 9 and backwards(see n is negative).now,whatever is selected from the first part is now being tested with the second psd-class(blue part) to see if it is actually matches it's formula selection.are the elements starting index 5 up also elements inside index 9 down.if yes they will be selected.this way a custom range is built.